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Caregiving Information: FAQ


Being a caregiver for a minor can emotionally, financially and physically exhausting. Being involved in the upbringing of a person is an important role, however for the caretaker it can be overwhelming, and difficult.  Common struggles include:

  • Repeating/anxiety about repeating patterns that were undesirable with your caregivers

  • Finding time to take care of yourself

  • Managing emotions through healthy coping skills 

  • Guilt


Caregiving for adults/elderly can range from living in separate spaces, to living with you and being dependent on food, shelter, and medical coordination of care. This can be very tiresome and time consuming. This can include coordinating legal counsel, financial applications, treatment, and quality of life preferences. Common struggles may include:

  • Feeling overwhelmed/helpless, and/or having difficulty prioritizing 

  • Difficulty setting boundaries, resentment towards others, and/or managing guilt

  • Re-experiencing negative patterns and trauma responses


Caregiving is also a profession and can be difficult to navigate especially given the current climate. Despite being able to clock in and out, professional caregivers have emotionally and physically demanding jobs. Common struggles may include: 

  • Anxiety/Depression or physical handicap from working

  • Bringing work stressors into your personal life

  • Increased tardiness/absences, and/or desire to explore vocational options

It should be noted that caregivers may fall into multiple of the above categories. Your wellbeing is important and vital for everyone's wellbeing. Which means dedicating time to taking care of yourself in ways that are meaningful to you need to be prioritized. My goal is to assist you in improving your quality of life and reducing the likelihood of burnout.

When you go into an airplane and the captain goes over the rules, they stress the importance of putting your air-mask on first before assisting others. Caregivers have the same rules, which is why it is imperative that you dedicate time to your wellbeing.

It's time to start putting yourself first.

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